"Indiferent ce se întâmplă, o călătorie îţi oferă întotdeauna o poveste de spus."

(EN) All Bronze Level donors and above will have their names listed on a plaque commemorating their contribution.

(RO) Toți membrii care ajung la Nivelul Bronz vor avea numele scris pe o placă onorifică.

                Executive Benefactor: $10,000 U.S. and above

Dr. & Mrs. Alex Hecht

Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Abraham

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stein

Mr. & Mrs. John Dinaso

Platinum: $1000 – $9999 US

Ianos Herea & Doctor Carmen Herea-Puscas

Mr. & Mrs Harry Stern

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe (Louie) Gutman

Mr. Daniel Y. Hirschel, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joey Hecht

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Horn

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Luxenberg

Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Mandel

Mr. Silvian Marcus PE

Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Stein

Mr. Adam Wapniak

Dr. & Mrs. Elliot J. Wapniak

Aur: $500-$999 U.S.

Ms. Alice Kohanin

Mr. Ely Michael Beckman    

Argint: $250-$499 U.S.

Mr. Dan Bucsescu, RA

Mr. Emil Friedman   

Bronz: $100-249 U.S.

Mr. & Mrs. Menahem Danino

Mr. Abraham Gewirtz

Mr. Ghorge Gross

Ms. Mihaela Gross

Mr. Jason Hecht

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Roth

Mr. & Mrs. Eddick Zhubrak

Mr. & Mrs. Igor Zhubrak